Kojima, H., Ando, Y., Idehara, K., Katoh, M., Kosaka, T., Miyaoka, E., Shinoda, S., Suzuki, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Yoshimura, I., Yuasa, A., Watanabe, Y. and Omori, T.:Validation Study of the In Vitro Skin Irritation Test with the LabCyte EPI-MODEL24, Altern Lab Anim., 40, 1-18 (2012)
Kojima, H.: The Japanese Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods (JaCVAM): Recent ICATM Contributions and Future Plans, ALTEX Proceeding, 1/12, Proceedings of WC8 (2012)
Onoue S, Hosoi K, Wakuri S, Iwase Y, Yamamoto T, Matsuoka N, Nakamura K, Toda T, Takagi H, Osaki N, Matsumoto Y, Kawakami S, Seto Y, Kato M, Yamada S, Ohno Y, Kojima H.: Establishment and intra-/inter-laboratory validation of a standard protocol of reactive oxygen species assay for chemical photosafety evaluation., J Appl Toxicol. (2012)
Seto Y, Hosoi K, Takagi H, Nakamura K, Kojima H, Yamada S, Onoue S.: Exploratory and regulatory assessments on photosafety of new drug entities., Curr Drug Saf. 7(2):140-8 (2012)
Stokes W, McFarland R, Kulpa-Eddy J, Gatewood D, Levis R, Halder M, Pulle G, Kojima H, Casey W, Gaydamaka A, Miller T, Brown K, Lewis C, Chapsal JM, Bruckner L, Gairola S, Kamphuis E, Rupprecht CE, Wunderli P, McElhinney L, De Mattia F, Gamoh K, Hill R, Reed D, Doelling V, Johnson N, Allen D, Rinckel L, Jones B.:Report on the international workshop on alternative methods for human and veterinary rabies vaccine testing: state of the science and planning the way forward.Biologicals. 40(5):369-81(2012)
Presentations, Speeches
Yamamoto, T.; Onoue, S.; Seto, Y.; Wakuri, S.; Iwase, Y.; Toda, T.; Takagi, H.; Osaki, N., Kawakami, S.; Matsumoto, Y.; Hosoi, K., Nakamura, K.; Kojima, H.: Intra- and inter-laboratory validation study on reactive oxygen species (ROS) assay for photosafety evaluation of pharmaceuticals, 51th Annual SOT meeting, (2012.3)
R McFarland, J Kulpa-Eddy, R. Levis, D Gatewood, M Halder, G Pulle, H Kojima, V Doelling, B Jones, N Johnson, S Morefield, D Allen, L Rinckel, W Casey, W Stokes: International Workshop on Alternative Methods for Human and Veterinary Rabies Vaccine Testing, 51th Annual SOT meeting (2012.3)
Kojima, H: Session, "Regulatory Accpetance of Alternative Carcinogenicity Tests", OECD Activities on the Cell Transformation Assays, World Congress on in Vitro Biology, June 3-7, 2012, Bellevue, Washington, USA
Kojima, H., Tanaka, N., Oshimura, M., Saito, K., Saito, F. and Imatanaka, N. : New Research Projects in Japan for Alternative to Repeated Dose Oral Toxicity Studies, EUROTOX 2012, June 17-20, 2012, Stockholm, Sweden
Kojima, H., Tanaka, N., Oshimura, M., Saito, K., Saito, F. and Imatanaka, N.: Japanese New Project "ARCH-Tox" for the Future Chemicals Management Policy, Research and Development of in vitro and in vivo Assay for Internationally Leading Hazard Assessment and Test Methods, 1st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT), September 21, 2012, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Yoshifumi Uno for JaCVAM Comet Assay International Validation Project Team:Update of the Status of the JaCVAM Organized International In Vivo Comet Assay Validation Study 2012Genetic Toxicology Association (GTA) meeting, October 24-25, 2012John M. Clayton Hall Conference Center, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Kojima, H.: Historical Background on the Japanese Validation Study, International Workshop on the HET-CAM Assay, October 29-30, Berlin, Germany