Academic activities 2013



  • Kanto H, Washizaki K, Ito M, Matsunaga K, Akamatsu H, Kawai K, Katoh N, Natsuaki M, Yoshimura I, Kojima H, Okamoto Y, Okuda M, Kuwahara H, Sugiyama M, Kinoshita S, Mori F: Optimal patch application time in the evaluation of skin irritation, J Dermatol, 40(5):363-9(2013)
  • Kojima H, Hayashi K, Sakaguchi H, Omori T, Otoizumi T, Sozu T, Kuwahara H, Hayashi T, Sakaguchi M, Toyoda A, Goto H, Watanabe S, Ahiko K, Nakamura T, Morimoto T.:Second-phase validation study of short time exposure test for assessment of eye irritation potency of chemicals., Toxicology In Vitro, 27(6), 1855-69 (2013)
  • Yamaguchi H, Kojima H, Takezawa T:Vitrigel-Eye Irritation Test Method using HCE-T cells, Toxicological Sciences, 135(2), 347-55(2013)
  • Stokes W, Srinivas G, McFarland R, Kulpa-Eddy J,Casey W, Walker A, Draayer H, Sebring R, Brown K, Balks E, Stirling C, Klaasen E, Hill R, Rippke B, Ruby K, Alt D, Mukhopadhyay S, Kojima H, Johnson N, Rinckel L, Doelling V, Jones B.:Report on the international workshop on alternative methods for Leptospira vaccine potency testing: state of the science and the way forward., Biologicals, 41 (5), 279-94 (2013)
  • Kojima H: Update from the Japanese Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods (JaCVAM).,Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, 41(6), 435-441(2013)

Presentations, Speeches

  • Kojima H, Annaka N, Tsuchiya S, Yoshitake Y, Xu R, Suzuki M, Shimatani W, Kajita A, Nakamura M, Watanabe M, Nakajima M, Sakamoto K, Takeda R, Hisama M, Ikeda H, Inagaki M, Munechika Y, Yamamoto Y, Kasahara T, Fukuda T, Nakahara S, Watanabe S, Kurata H, Shinoda S, Katoh M:Collaboration study on eye irritation alternative method with human corneal model; LabCyte CORNEA-MODEL24,52th Society Of Toxicology, San Antonio, Texas(2013.3)
  • Casey W, Ceger P, Strickland J, Rinckel L, Grignard E, Bremer S, Kojima H, Han SY, Stokes W: Regulatory Acceptance of the BG1Luc Estrogen Receptor Transactivation Test Method, 52th Society Of Toxicology, San Antonio, Texas(2013.3)
  • Kulpa-Eddy J, McFarland R, Srinivas G, Walker A, Halder M, Kojima H, Brown K, Draayer H, Sebring R, Doelling V, Jones B, Johnson N, Rinckel L, Casey W, Stokes W: International Workshop on Alternative Methods for Veterinary Leptospira Vaccine Potency Testing, 52th Society Of Toxicology, San Antonio, Texas(2013.3)
  • Toda T, Onoue S, Seto Y, Takagi H, Osaki N, Kawakami S, Matsumoto Y, Iwase Y, Yamamoto T, Wakuri S, Hosoi K, Nakamura K, and Kojima H : Intra- and inter-laboratory validation study on reactive oxygen species (ROS) assay for photosafety evaluation of pharmaceuticals, 52th Society Of Toxicology, San Antonio, Texas(2013.3)
  • Hamada S, Takashima R, Shimada K, Matsumoto K, Kawakami S, Tanaka J, Matsumoto H, Nakai T, Imamura T, Matsumura S, Sanada H, Terashima Y, Inoue K, Muto S, Hagio S, Hayashi A, Takayanagi T, Ogiwara Y, Maeda A, Narumi K, Takasawa H, Ogawa I, Ohyama W, Wako Y, Kawasako K, Morita T, Kojima H, Hayashi M, Honma M:Evaluation of Repeated Dose Liver Micronucleus Assay in Rats: Summary of Collaborative Study by CSGMT/JEMS.MMS,52th Society Of Toxicology, San Antonio, Texas(2013.3)
  • Sunouchi M, Nakazawa K, Kikura-Hanajiri R, Kobayashi K, Kojima H and Usami M:Age-dependent capability of drug metabolism in commercial available human hepatocyte,52th Society Of Toxicology , San Antonio, Texas(2013.3)
  • Kojima H:Workshop: Alternative Test Methods and International Regulatory perspectives, JaCVAM: Recent Progress and Future Plans for the Validation and Acceptance of Alternative Testing in Japan, The XIII International Congress of Toxicology, 2013,COEX, Seoul, Korea(2013.7)
  • Morita T, Kojima H, Hayashi M:General Principles of Chemical Selection for in vivo, Validation Studies, The International Symposium of the Center of Alternative Methods for Safety Evaluation of Cosmetics, COEX, Seoul, Korea(2013.7)
  • Kojima H:Our Practical Examples of International Validation Studies for Establishing OECD Test Guidelines , The International Symposium of the Center of Alternative Methods for Safety Evaluation of Cosmetics, COEX, Seoul, Korea(2013.7)
  • Kojima H, Oshimura M, Saito K, Saito F and Imatanaka N:Japanese Project “ARCH-Tox” for the Future Chemicals Management Policy: Research and Development of in vitro and in vivo Assays for Internationally Leading Hazard Assessment and Test Methods, 15th Annual Congress of European Society for Alternative to Animal Testing, Linz, Austria(2013.9)
  • Kojima H, Stokes W, Horii I, Hwan K.B and Spielmann H,Peer Review Panel Evaluation of the ROS Photosafety Assay, 15th Annual Congress of European Society for Alternative to Animal Testing, Linz, Austria(2013.9)
  • Kojima H, Oshimura M and Imatanaka N:Japanese Project “ARCH-Tox” for alternative to 28-day repeated dose oral toxicity study), 10th annual Meeting of KSAAE (Korean Society of Alternative Animal Experiments), Seoul, South Korea(2013.11)
  • Kojima H, Stokes W, Horii I, Hwan K.B. and Spielmann H:Peer Review Panel of the Japanese validation study of the ROS in vitro phototoxicity for ICH,The 26th Annual meeting of Japanese Society for Alternative to Animal Experiments, Kyoto (2013.12)